Ten tips to improve your energy, health and wellbeing

Ten tips to improve your energy, health and wellbeing

In our modern world that is becoming increasingly dominated by technology, convenience and artificiality, it can be a challenge to stay balanced, healthy and sane. Here are some simple strategies for health and wellbeing:

1) Eat in a way that suits your unique body type, health needs, lifestyle and location
– that makes you feel balanced, satisfied and energised. Include a high percentage of vegetables and as much variety as possible, to access all the necessary nutrients. Do your best to avoid toxins, pesticides, white sugar/carbohydrates and processed foods – excluding the occasional treat! 🙂 Drink plenty of well-filtered water throughout the day.

2) Exercise/move your body daily in ways that you EN-JOY (to keep your energy, blood and oxygen circulating, eliminate toxins, release tension and produce feel-good endorphins!);

3) Turn off the tv/social media at least one hour before bed, dim the lights (to help your brain re-align with its natural circadian rhythm), and give yourself time to wind down, relax and adjust to night time;

4) Aim to be in bed by 10.30pm at the latest and allow yourself to sleep the hours your body needs to feel at its most rested;

5) Regularly plan time for self-care/balance: explore yoga, meditation or qi gong, plan regular massages or treatments, take time to relax in the bath, enjoy time with family or friends, pursue a hobby, etc;

6) Cultivate a positive mental attitude: practice daily gratitude, laugh, play and do things that you enjoy – as often as possible. It can feel harder to do this when facing big challenges, however it is even more important during these times to help us handle the challenges in the most balanced way possible. Our inner state also influences what happens in our lives and how we deal with things.

7) Get clear on your purpose: clarify the things that are truly important and meaningful to you in life, and find a way to give/serve that aligns with these. Find a way to make a positive contribution in whatever way suits your personality and interests.  

8) Connect: Spend time alone regularly to cultivate self-awareness, resilience and inner wholeness. (If you have young children then even just ten minutes per day is a good start.) Nurture meaningful relationships. Get involved in your community. Regularly immerse yourself in nature and make time for a digital detox.

9) Seek support to heal any unresolved emotional pain or trauma that is affecting your life. Explore body/energy therapy to release this at a core body/cellular level, as well as talking therapy if needed.

10) Consult with your doctor regarding any health conditions that are concerning you. A functional medicine doctor, nutritionist or naturopath can also help you pinpoint and address any functional imbalances (such as food intolerances, problems with digestion/absorption of nutrients, etc), which may not be picked up by standard testing. The above steps should also have a beneficial effect on your overall health and wellbeing.

How can you create more balance, simplicity and harmony in YOUR life?…

Coaching questions:

  1. Which of the above areas do you feel need more attention / balance in your particular case?
  2. Consider choosing one area and set yourself a manageable goal to improve this area of your life.
  3. List some resources that would help you to achieve your goal (eg setting your phone to switch off by a certain time in the evening, planning a weekly ‘hobby date’ with your family or a friend, or taking time out for self-reflection and clarifying your goals).
  4. Give yourself a time frame for your goal and commit to it.

To read more about how distance healing could help you relax, release tension, stress, stuck emotions and trauma, and support the healing of injury or illness, click here.

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