Rediscovering Energy and a Life-Changing Healing Experience…

Rediscovering Energy and a Life-Changing Healing Experience…

As a young child, I could see and feel energy, particularly when in nature. (I believe that most children can.) I was acutely aware that life is more than just physical.

Somewhere in my early teens, I lost this awareness. Navigating the physical world became a full-time focus: struggling with boarding school life, parents divorcing and leaving our beloved home. Unable to express my feelings verbally, they manifested as chronic fatigue, depression and digestive issues.

A hospital visit and loss of a job at the age of 26 propelled me into a self-healing journey.


Whilst recuperating from hospital, I discovered and began to study Shiatsu: a holistic therapy (Japanese acupressure), which aims to restore balance to the “whole person” – body, mind, emotions and energy flow. We studied and learnt to feel the meridians – a series of energy pathways that run throughout the body – which correspond with different emotions, organs, elements and seasons. We learnt about how imbalances in our minds, emotions or lifestyle show up as blockages or deficiencies in our life-force energy. How to diagnose imbalances in particular meridians, to clear blockages and restore free-flowing energy.

At first, I struggled to feel the energy flow when practising with my fellow students – my inner sceptic was a regular visitor! However, the significant improvements I noticed in my own health and wellbeing from receiving treatments helped me to trust, to know, that there was “something in it”. More than something. The results were profound!     

I learnt, too, from other sources that we have an energy field (aura) that extends out from our physical body, as well as chakras (energy centres) that allow energy to flow in and out of the body. However, for a long time, energy was still very much a mental concept to me, not a fully lived experience.    


When I was working at a complementary health clinic and in the final year of my Shiatsu studies, one of our therapists, Paul Lennard, asked if I would like to receive a treatment. Paul practiced a mixture of sports massage, cranio-sacral therapy and his own form of ‘energy healing’. Receiving treatments was one of the biggest perks of the job so I immediately accepted!   

After I lay down on the couch, the first thing that Paul said to me was “Are you aware that you are not in your body right now? A part of your soul/awareness is right out here.” He motioned to a point approximately two metres away from my body and then began to move his hands through space, in my energy field. To my surprise, I felt everything he was doing, and nausea, memories and some emotions began to arise. Paul went on to tell me “leaving the body is a common response to trauma. Let’s see if this part of your awareness is ready to come back into your body now.”   

As he said this, I felt myself float further out of my body, before I came ‘crashing in’ again! Somewhat lost for words, I immediately opened my eyes. Incredibly, I noticed that the colours around me looked vastly brighter than they ever had before, sounds were crystal clear and the couch felt wonderfully solid under my hands! I was overcome with a huge surge of happiness and joy, and realised that for the first time in a long time I was present, ‘home’, in my body!

For the next two years, I felt overflowing joy, presence and gratitude for being alive on an almost daily basis. I received many more treatments from Paul and each one blew away all of my doubts that we are energetic beings! This experience changed my life forever and helped me immeasurably in my own ability to feel and sense energy in my own practice too.

Paul inspired me to continue my studies by learning Cranio-Sacral Therapy and then later Reiki.

To read more about the treatments I offer both in-person and from a distance, please click here. To ask me a question or book a healing session, please get in touch.

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