Understanding energy and your own energy levels:

Understanding energy and your own energy levels:

How are your general energy levels – on a scale of 1 to 10? If they are less than 9 or 10, do you understand the cause/s?

When talking about energy, there are two aspects that we need to consider. It is essential to generate enough energy (from food, water, oxygen and sleep) so that we can experience a vital, energetic and healthy life. It is also important to ensure that our energy flows freely so that it can nourish our whole system. Energy is life – our life-force!

Did you know that unresolved injuries, illness, stress or trauma, as well as dietary and lifestyle imbalances, can create ‘blockages’ or deficiencies in our energy production and flow? Also that, conversely, energetic imbalances can cause symptoms such as pain, fatigue, depression or anxiety?

We are so much more than just physical beings. Energy flows both within and around our bodies. Healers are easily able to see/perceive/feel these subtle energies. For health and balance, it is essential to work with our energy, as well as the physical, mental and emotional aspects of our selves.

Many things affect our energy production and flow: 

– The quality of our sleep;
– Our daily diet (including nutrient intake, digestive function and blood sugar levels);
– The amount of exercise/movement we do and how effectively we breathe (our oxygen intake):
– Our physical state (are we overall well or struggling with unresolved injury, surgery, illness or poor posture? It takes energy to manage pain, discomfort or misalignment.) 
– Our mental state (whether our outlook is overall positive or negative. Do we spend a lot of time worrying or feeling angry about things that we can’t control? Persistent negative or stressful thoughts can drain our energy.) 
– Where we are in our menstrual cycle if we are female;
unresolved emotional issues or trauma (stored in our subconscious mind. It takes a lot of energy to hold onto unresolved emotions from the past.) 
– our ability to relax in daily life and rest at the appropriate times;
– our relationships and quality of connection with others, our wider community and nature (are our relationships balanced overall joyful or are there people who drain our energy?); 
– our sense of meaning and purpose in life (connecting with things that give us a sense of satisfaction, meaning, pleasure and joy).  

Of course, many of these feed into each other. For example, if we have unresolved anxieties, we may not sleep well, be properly able to relax or feel motivated to exercise. 


1) Are there any areas above that are a challenge for you – or not quite as balanced/optimal as they could be? Which? Elaborate a bit for yourself: what do you think are the main reasons for any imbalances? Can you identify one or two key areas of imbalance? Make sure to congratulate yourself on the areas that ARE working for you as well.

2) If you could take one small step, starting today, to improve one key area, what would this be? What structures or support will you need to make this a reality?

3) How committed are you to making this change (on a scale of 1-10)?

If ‘physical or emotional issues’ came up in your list and you would like to explore how how distance Energy Work (Intuitive Healing, Cranio-Sacral Therapy or Reiki) can help to resolve these, then check out this section of my website, my recent Blog ‘How distance healing works‘ or get in touch to discuss your needs.

To your vibrant health and energy!

Silvie x

“Specialising in energy work for physical, mental and emotional health.”

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