Author: Silvie Hylton-Potts

Simple Tips for Health and Well-being:

13 February 2021
In our current world of desk jobs, processed foods and often minimal physical challenge, creating a healthy lifestyle requires some effort. Many of us are not able to access fresh...

Healing through “whole body listening”: how Cranio-Sacral Therapy can resolve tension, injury or trauma:

18 January 2021
Psychotherapists listen to their clients’ tell their stories with words, emotional expression, body language and their empathic presence. Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapists use deep presence and mindful touch to “listen with...

Explaining distance Reiki Healing and how it works:

22 May 2020
What is Reiki? Reiki, meaning ‘universal life-force energy’, is a traditional form of energy healing in which the practitioner channels universal energy (through their crown chakra at the top of...

Health and Healing – What to choose?

2 September 2013
Increasing numbers of people are turning to natural or ‘alternative’ methods to improve their health, alongside or in place of conventional medicine. Conflicting information about the optimal diet, exercise regime,...

Stress and how to manage it.

27 July 2012
What is ‘stress’?: The word ‘stress’ is generally used to describe the feelings that people experience when the demands made on them are greater than their perceived ability to cope....

Holistic Healing – taking a ‘whole person’ approach to health and well-being:

24 July 2012
What does the word ‘health’ mean to you? These days it seems that there are a large number of people who feel generally a bit below par (perhaps with mild...

Meditation: what, why and how.

24 July 2012
Meditation is one of the most powerful and beneficial methods for improving a person’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. For some people, the word ‘meditation’ conjures up images of some...