Distance Intuitive Healing
What is Distance Intuitive Healing?
Distance Intuitive Healing helps to rebalance the flow of vital energy in and around your body, in order to improve your health and vitality. Free-flowing energy corresponds with optimal health and vitality, whilst chronic tension, stress, unresolved injury/surgery or trauma can create blockages or deficiencies in a person’s flow of vital energy.
Using remote viewing/sensing, I tune into the energy in and around your body, identifying and clearing any blockages / deficiencies in order to restore the free-flow of energy throughout your system.
Some benefits of Intuitive Healing include: the resolution/improvement of symptoms or pain; improved energy levels and vitality; feeling emotionally ‘lighter’; and a deeper sense of relaxation, inner peace and balance in daily life.
“Silvie’s distance healing is quite magical. I had three sessions with her earlier in the year…I had a lot of neck and shoulder problems due to too much time on ‘devices’ over the lockdowns. It was very easy to feel the effects of what Silvie was doing and the improvements were tangible. Her follow-up emails were eerily insightful (in a good way) and I would thoroughly recommend her. Distance healing is a wonderful, timely resource in the pandemic. Thank you Silvie!” – JJ, UK
The Theory behind Distance Intuitive Healing:
At the subtlest level, everything is comprised of energy, including human beings. Free-flowing vital energy is a prerequisite for health, balance and wellbeing.
All aspects of our being (physical, mental, emotional and energetic) are deeply interconnected and an imbalance in one area affects the other levels. Injuries, illness or unresolved mental/emotional issues will be reflected as a disruption in the smooth flow of energy throughout our system. Chronic imbalances in our flow of vital energy can then lead to unresolved health conditions, low energy and/or weakened immunity.
Healers are able to see, feel and/or sense energy in others and to use different techniques to help rebalance a person’s energy flow in and/or around their body. Energy healing is a highly effective and often rapid way to heal and restore harmony on many different levels of a person’s being.
How does a remote Intuitive Healing session work?
Together we will decide on a time when you can lie/sit down in a quiet and peaceful environment to relax and receive the healing. For new clients, the first session will include a video consultation to clarify anything you would like help with during the session.
I will then ‘tune into’ your body and energy field following the guidance I receive as to where healing is needed to clear physical and/or emotional blockages, and rebalance your flow of vital energy.
You may feel a number of things during the session such as heat or cold, relaxation, tingling, sleepiness, trembling and/or the surfacing of old emotions/memories as they come up to be resolved. There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – the healing will be unique to you and your needs.
After the treatment, it’s good to take some time to relax and rest if you feel the need. Make sure you drink a lot of water and avoid too much caffeine/drinking alcohol for 24 hours.
How can Distance Intuitive Healing help me?
– Re-balances the flow of vital energy throughout your body;
– Helps to release physical/emotional/energetic holding patterns from chronic tension, stress, old injury or surgery or trauma – usually leading to an improvement in your symptoms;
– Supports your body’s natural healing and re-balancing ability;
– Increased self-awareness/insight into your current state and any changes you may want to make to support your healing process;
– Reconnects you with your natural state of relaxation, peace and balance.
“I have received both hands-on and distant treatments from Silvie, and it has had astonishing effects. It puts me into some of the deepest states of relaxation I have ever experienced, and there is also a lot of balancing, recalibrating, letting go but also energizing happening. To me, her treatments have felt very gentle, warm and filled with intuitive wisdom. Also, Silvie’s summaries of the sessions have proven very insightful and helpful. Thank you for every single treatment, and I am already looking forward to the next one!” IG- Germany
Intuitive Healing pricing:
Initial treatment with video consultation (up to 1.5 hours) – £70.00
1 Hour Treatment – £50.00
** Savings package: book 3 x 1 hour treatments for £135! (2 month validity.) **
Enquiries / Bookings:
To book a distance Intuitive Healing treatment/free 15 minute consultation or to ask a question, please do get in touch.